about suzie

Friends and visitors to my studio often ask where I find inspiration for my sculptures. I struggled with the answer to that question, until realizing that over the years, and across continents, I’ve filled a wellspring with images from the weavers of Guatemala, to the wood carvers of Tonga, to the sculptors gracing the museums of Paris and to the greatest artist of all, Mother Nature. So, in 2017 I decided it was time to tap into that spring of inspiration and create my own art.

When I begin a new sculpture, I like to create the eyes early on, so the critter or person can watch me as I create them. It can get a little spooky. Just like life, art is all about experimenting. Each piece is a new subject, material or technique. So many mediums and techniques to explore, so little time!

For the first few years, my sculptures were for my own entertainment. Then, as more people stopped by my studio to see what I was up to, I was encouraged by their enthusiasm. This culminated in the wonderful experience of a dear friend, who was brought to tears by my butterfly piece, “Metamorphosis”. It meant so much to her, inspiring me to create more works that may also be meaningful to others. The experiments continue.

Suzie Grimm is a sculptor living in Durango, Colorado where she retired and began creating with clay in 2017. Suzie worked as an eye doctor in the South Pacific, Middle East, Asia, Europe and the US, gathering inspiration that she is now drawing on.

She works with a variety of clay mediums to create joyful, sometimes mischievous, and often provocative representations of animals and people.

Suzie enjoys trying new materials and techniques. Each of her creations is an experiment inspired by shared expertise from many local artists, instructors and mentors, as well as hours spent with sculptors and painters on the internet, her art school.